Faculity and Staff 1943 - 1986
Roger Aceto English 1963 - 1967
Kent Acheson Driver Education 1967 - 1968
Cheryl Ackerman Social Studies 1971 - 1972
Jackie Ackiss Teacher Associate 1984
Dick Adams Social Studies 1969 - 1981
Dorothy Agnew Business 1956 - 1971
Roselind Ahrens English 1964 - 1966
Dianne Alber Special Education 1977 - 1984
William Alexander English 1966 - 1967
** Julie Ambelang Treasurer 1984 - 1986
Donald Ames KDPS 1956 - 1957
Becky Anderson English 1977 - 1980
Cindy Anderson Special Education 1985
Kathy Anderson Special Education 1980 - 1981
Otto Anderson Woodworking 1946 - 1947
Phyllis Anderson English 1965 - 1966
** Richard Anderson Printing 1971 - 1986
Ronald M. Anderson Counselor
1945 - 1946
1946 - 1959
Susan Anderson Special Education 1975 - 1976
Thomas Anderson Art 1958 - 1959
Howard Andreasen KDPS Engineer 1946 - 1958
Martha Angier T & I Secretary 1964 - 1985
Particia Arnold Physical Education 1962 - 1964
Janet Arvidsen Hotel & Restaurant 1951 - 1952
Myrt Ault Counselor Clerk 1978 - 1982
William K. Aylesworth Science ~ Aviation 1951 - 1954
Rhea Bagdonas English as Second Language 1981 - 1982
** Hamed Baig Agri-Business 1978 - 1986
Stephen Bakalyar Math 1945 - 1946
Jane Baker Special Education 1978 - 1979
Linda Baker Chorus 1983 - 1984
Richard Baker Machine Shop 1952 - 1953
John Balducki Auto Diesel 1977 - 1978
Robert Ball Job Placement Center 1971 - 1975
Phil Ballou Social Studies ~ Counselor 1952 - 1961
Eugene Barlow Business 1950 - 1984
James Barlow Driver Education 1953 - 1967
Margaret Barron Business 1965 - 1969
Margaret Barry English ~ Counselor 1949 - 1974
Judith Beasley Librarian 1963 - 1964
Marilyn Bell Foods 1951 - 1954
Beverly Bellile Nurse 1968 - 1969
Jacqueline Thill Berguin Social Studies 1979 - 1982
Harold Berryhill Mechanical Drawing 1965 - 1967
Elmer C. Betz Principal 1946 - 1969
Wilma Bevis Business 1951 - 1953
Maynard Bjork Auto Body 1959 - 1984
Peggy Blackburn Transportation Secretary 1974 - 1976
Judy Blackledge Special Education 1979 - 1985
Leroy Blackledge Social Studies 1976 - 1983
Donald Blackman Vice-Principal
Principal Elect
1962 - ????
1970 - 1980
Stan Blair English ~ Journalism 1952 - 1982
Carl Bledsoe MCJROTC 1983 - 1985
** Marjorie Trujillo Bledsoe   Lic. Practical Nurse 1974 - 1986
Dorothy  Boehm Nurse 1962 - 1967
Jan Boelter Teacher Assoc. 1985
Edna Bohlman Social Studies 1945 - 1965
Kenneth Bolton Drafting ~ Carpentry 1974 - 1977
Elena Bonau Spanish 1972 - 1973
** Pat Bowlsby Counseling Clerk 1969 - 1986
Harlan Boyce Machine Shop 1953 - 1981
Ruby Brandow Steno Clerk 1974 - 1977
Dorothy Brandt Nurse 1967
Nancy Brennan Special Education 1982 - 1984
Marie Brewer Commercial Art 1945 - 1970
Cecil  Brewton Home School Worker 1969 - 1972
Bette Bridge Counselor 1979 - 1984
Harold Brightman Business 1965 - 1966
Dorothy Brinkman English 1979 - 1981
Donald L. Brown Auto Mechanics 1951 - 1954
** Rolland Brownell Boy's Advisor
1965 - 1968
1985 - 1986
Phyllis Bruggen Business ~ Counselor 1956 - 1970
Gerald Bryan Distributive Education 1961 - 1964
Don Bryant Science ~ Electricity 1945 - 1976
Pat Burch Lic. Practical Nurse 1975 - 1977
Jean Burke Attendance Clerk 1959 - 1982
^ ** Tom Burmeister Aviation 1977 - 1986
** Gordon Burnstien Social Studies ~ G/T Coordinator 1983 - 1986
Tom Cady Social Studies 1959 - 1967
Gary Cameron Physical Education ~ Science 1972 - 1984
Samuel Camp Science 1967 - 1968
** Ann Carber Lic. Practical Nurse 1985 - 1986
^ Larry Card Printing 1966 - 1973
** Walter Eugene Carman    Auto Body 1966 - 1986
Steve Carson Drivers Education ~ Physical Education 1970 - 1984
** Wilma Carter Teacher Associate 1973 - 1986
Bob Case Physical Education ~ Drivers Education 1969 - 1972
Virginia Cavett Social Studies 1968 - 1969
** John Cebuhar English ~ Journalism 1981 - 1986
Joe Cerwinske Counselor ~ Agri-Business 1973 - 1977
David Chamberlain Chorus 1979 - 1981
Loren Chelleen Social Studies 1962 - 1985
Kenneth Clark Social Studies 1962 - 1967
** Richard Clark English ~ Math 1954 - 1986
Sandra Clark Teacher Associate 1972 - 1973
Allan Clement English ~ Vice-Principal 1946 - 1957
Dick Clemons Social Studies 1966 - 1977
Glenn Cole English 1945 - 1946
Bob Collins Drivers Education ~ Social Studies 1974 - 1983
Helen  Collins Nurse 1945 - 1956
Willard Combs Aviation 1946 - 1958
Gerald Conley Social Studies ~ Vice Principal 1963 - 1970
Shirley Conner Business 1965 - 1968
** Darrell Cook CBE New Horizons 1981 - 1986
John Cooper Painting & Decorating ~ T & I Coordinator 1949 - 1985
Phil Cooper Business ~ Boys' Advisor 1955 - 1962
Margaret Corwin Business 1964 - 1965
Lucille Cotrone Attendance Clerk 1957 - 1958
** Sue Cox Special Education 1983 - 1986
Elaine Coyle Reading ~ English as Second Language 1972 - 1985
Ross Cramlet Adult Education 1953 - 1966
J. Durwood Crisman Math 1945 - 1952
Karen Cross Math 1979 - 1983
Dewayne Crozier Physical Education 1979 - 1983
Otis Crozier Math 1958 - 1971
Sari Cumpston Personal Family Living 1984 - 1985
Patricia Cunningham Nurse 1979 - 1985
Ted Curde Mechanical ~ Drawing 1949 - 1952
Gary Curtis Science 1970 - 1984
Georgia Daack Foods 1952 - 1954
** Bob Davenport Computer Programming  1955 - 1986
George Davis Special Education 1978 - 1981
William Davis Art 1965 - 1966
Clara Day Business 1965 - 1969
Janet Day Business 1962 - 1968
Helen  De Mouth Counselor 1977 - 1978
Karen De Puy Secretary 1972 - 1973
John DeBrauske T & I Related 1954 - 1955
Hattie DeFord Foods 1945 - 1947
Lois Delaplane Physical Education 1965 - 1982
Wayne DeMouth English 1967 - 1968
William Dennis Radio Production 1968 - 1976
Sam Despotovich Vice Principal 1964 - 1965
Paul Devin  Principal 1981 - 1985
John R. Dickson English 1967 - 1968
Peggy Dierzen English 1966 - 1984
Dave  Dirksen English 1969 - 1974
Karen  Dobash English 1963 - 1977
Beverly Donley Secretary 1962 - 1967
Waunetta Douglas Job Placement Center Secretary 1973 - 1975
Betty Dowd Radio - TV 1952 - 1954
Wes Dowd Electricity 1950 - 1980
Jim Dowis Computer Programming 1964 - 1967
Mary Drew Lic. Practical Nurse 1977 - 1978
Jack Druart Drafting 1964 - 1985
Jim Drummond Social Studies 1961 - 1967
Vesta  Duensing English 1961 - 1965
Betty Duggan Secretary 1960 - 1963
Helen Dunkelberg Nurse 1956 - 1962
Janice Dusenberry Teacher Associate 1970 - 1972
^ ** Terry Eaton Distributive Education 1964 - 1986
** Grace Eckerman Treasurer - Registrar   1966 - 1986
Kay Eichacker Photography 1979 - 1980
Barbara Eichel Hearing Interpreter 1979 - 1983
Judith Eischen Foods 1960 - 1961
** Jean Ellerhoff Humanities ~ English 1983 - 1986
Don Ellingson Physical Education 1961 - 1965
** Marsha Elliot Drafting 1985 - 1986
** Samuel Elliot Librarian  1979 - 1986
^ ** Ron Elliott Painting - Decorating 1969 - 1986
Mary Ellis Distributive Education 1966 - 1967
Eleanor Emanuel English 1959 - 1960
Gwen Essex English 1962 - 1963
Phil Fahlk Science 1969 - 1971
Wilda Farmer Business 1956 - 1978
Jasper Farrow Social Studies 1946 - 1976
Carolyn Feaster Social Studies 1961 - 1962
Dave Feinberg English 1970 - 1972
Mike Ferin Social Studies 1962 - 1963
^ ** Carrol Fetters Print Shop  1970 - 1986
Arvin Fettkether Business ~ Computer Programming 1953 - 1983
Ted Finch  Printing 1973 - 1983
Sandra Finley Secretary 1972 - 1974
George Fischer Drafting 1956 - 1968
^ ** Russell Fisher Cabinet Making 1973 - 1986
Linda Flowers Grooming 1969 - 1970
Sy Forrester Home School Worker 1970 - 1882
Polly Fortune Computer Programming 1969 - 1973
** Richard Foss Social Studies 1979 - 1986
** John Foster Mechanical Drawing ~ T & I ~ Adult Machine Shop 1955 - 1986
Al Fraklin Auto Mechanics 1958 - 1983
* Perry G. Frasier Principal 1943 - 1944
Ross Frazier Auto Mechanics 1955 - 1964
Ken Frey Physical Education 1972 - 1985
Kuthryne Frey Special Education Associate 1975 - 1976
Gunder Fribourgh Mechanical Drawing ~ T & I ~ New Horizons 1947 - 1983
John Friend Science 1968 - 1969
Sally Friend Lic. Practical Nurse 1972 - 1974
Kathryne Frye Special Education Associate 1975 - 1976
Lester Gable Business 1949 - 1950
Lynn Gray Gadbow Office 1959 - 1963
Walter Galvin Social Studies 1962 - 1974
Patricia Gants Social Studies 1978 - 1981
Bruce Gardner  Vice-Principal 1959 - 1961
Paul Garrison  Art 1948 - 1949
Florence Gay Math 1960 - 1961
Carol Geil Job Placement Center 1972 - 1973
Milton Gerhart  Woodworking 1947 - 1963
Katherine Gerheim Business 1949 - 1950
Debbie Gibbions Hearing Interpreter 1979 - 1983
Harry Gibson Machine Shop 1962 - 1964
Marilyn Anderson Gift Foods
1961 - 1966
1980 - 1983
Larry Gillespie Science ~
Acting Principal
1955 - 1985

1980 - 1981
Paul Gillespie Law Enforcement 1974 - 1979
** Maurice Glenn Special Education 1975 - 1986
Ruth Glick Social Studies 1979 - 1980
Joan Gogerty English ~ Title I 1969 - 1973
^ ** Vickie Gooch  Computer Programming  1968 - 1986
Lillie Goods  Foods 1977 - 1981
Randy Gordon  English 1977 - 1978
Shirley Gottlieb Reading 1974 - 1976
Gladys Granson Attendance Clerk 1953 - 1955
Jack Gray  Drafting 1967 - 1968
** Jackie Gray Special Education 1985 - 1986
** Ron Gray Special Education 1985 - 1986
** Diane Greaves  English 1979 - 1986
Mel Green Physical Education ~ Earth Science 1976 - 1983
Bette Greene Tailoring 1949 - 1983
** Stan Greenwood  Photography 1980 - 1986
Margaret Grice  Business 1963 - 1965
Frank Gronert Electronics 1971 - 1974
Tim Grooters  Math 1978 - 1982
Karen Hadlock Librarian 1964
Carmen Hadreas  Special Education ~ Hearing Interpreter 1981 - 1983
Eugenie Hafenstein  Art 1945 - 1947
** Stan Hall  Sheet Metal 1980 - 1986
I. M. Halverson Machine Shop 1945 - 1956
William Hankammer Auto Mechanics 1948 - 1949
** Alice Hanrahan Social Worker 1981 - 1986
Hans Hanson  Law Enforcement 1979 - 1980
Steve Hanson Social Studies 1979 - 1981
Herb Hantz English 1954 - 1961
^ ** Dale Harsh  Printing 1955 - 1986
Faye Hart Steno ~ Clerk 1951 - 1953
Dorothy  Hartley Retailing 1945 - 1953
H. Ray Hartley Business 1945 - 1964
Ron Harvey Technical & Industrial 1979 - 1980
Jim Hashman  Carpentry 1969 - 1984
Kay Hauser  Steno ~ Clerk 1957 - 1958
** Chris Haviland Speech Clinician 1983 - 1986
Pauline Haworth Job Replacement Center 1971 - 1973
Helen Hazlett Business 1962 - 1964
Marguerite Heath English 1966 - 1967
Ray Heath Math 1964 - 1965
Ross Heaton Business 1980 - 1981
Jane Hein Physical Education 1976 - 1977
Monica Helmuth Special Education 1978 - 1979
Thomas Hensley  Agri-Business 1974 - 1975
Johe Hickman Teacher Associate 1972 - 1973
** Carmella Higgins English 1985 - 1986
Mildred Hill  Steno-Secretary 1957 - 1963
Julia Hiller Hearing Interpreter 1979 - 1980
Paul Hindal Carpentry 1972 - 1983
John Hines Aviation 1950 - 1951
Mildred Hoak  Art 1948 - 1949
Mark Hobart Chorus 1981 - 1982
Helen Hodson Steno ~ Clerk 1949 - 1951
Wilber Hokanson Social Studies 1967 - 1981
Arthur Holcomb English 1967 - 1969
Harlan Holladay Art 1953 - 1955
Betty Holliday English 1947 - 1952
David Holmes Business 1965 - 1967
Helen Holten  Steno 1960 - 1963
Ed Horton MCJROTC 1974 - 1978
Lillian Hourigan English 1959 - 1962
Noble Howe Social Studies 1945 - 1946
Jack Hoyt Chorus 1982 - 1983
Merton Huffman   Refrigeration 1946 - 1951
Jan McAuley Hughes Social Studies
1975 - 1976
1979 - 1981
  Raymond Hughes Machine Shop 1945 - 1973
Lawrence Hulse Science
1979 - 1983
** Betty Hunderdosse Special Education 1984 - 1986
William Hutchison  English 1957 - 1962
** David Hutson  Electronics 1959 - 1986
Walter Imig Driver Education 1969 - 1971
Karen Inman Special Education 1975 - 1985
** LaVonne Jackson Child Development  1985 - 1986
** George Jefckak Art 1960 - 1986
** Alice Jeter Attendance Clerk 1983 - 1986
Dorothy Johnson  English 1967 - 1968
Floyd Johnson Business 1945 - 1952
** Galen Johnson Math 1971 - 1986
Harold Johnson Physical Education 1945 - 1949
Pam Johnson Performing Arts 1972 - 1973
** Roy Johnson Math ~ Science 1957 - 1986
Thoyne Johnson Foods 1945 - 1946
Wilma Johnson  Business 1945 - 1946
Judy Jones Special Education ~ Hearing 1972 - 1977
** Lauri  Jones English 1985 - 1986
Gary Jotzke Math ~ Physical Education 1971 - 1982
Ralph Joy English ~ Radio 1954 - 1957
William Kacena Science ~ Electronics ~ Photography 1945 - 1979
James Karthan  Science 1979 - 1983
Kenneth Kelling Machine Shop 1957 - 1958
Jacqueline Kemmer English 1965 - 1977
Vera Kemp English 1970 - 1980
Gary Kennedy  Auto Diesel 1964 - 1977
Ron Kester Social Studies 1964 - 1975
Galen Kinzie Business ~ Counselor 1955 - 1976
Lois Klingeman Special Education 1975 - 1977
Lloyd Klinzman Drivers Education ???? - ????
Niva Knutson English ~ Radio ~ French 1946 - 1976
Steven Koch Social Studies 1967 - 1982
Bessie Koeppel  Attendance Clerk 1967 - 1982
Don Koroch  Science 1962 - 1963
Marcie Kover Special Education ~ Hearing 1981 - 1982
Paul Kuhns Band 1979 - 1981
Mary Kulis Secretary 1955 - 1956
Richard Lake Drafting ~ T & I Related 1968 - 1972
** Dale Lang Auto Mechanics 1965 - 1986
Mirian Langworthy Girl's Advisor 1946 - 1962
Graydon Lappe   Physical Education 1965 - 1968
Judy  Larson Special Education 1979 - 1984
^ Jay Laughman  French ~ English as Second Language 1978 - 1981
Vivian Lawyer  Tailoring 1960 - 1961
** Sondra Lazear Physical Education 1982 - 1986
Judson Lee Business 1953 - 1983
Nathan Lee  Printing 1954 - 1976
John Lehmkuhl Welding 1945 - 1974
** John Leo  Italian 1985 - 1986
Robert Leonard Drivers Education 1980 - 1981
Doris Lindstrom Steno ~ Clerk 1959 - 1960
Margaret Lindstrom  Foods 1956 - 1974
** Virgina Lodge  Foods 1970 - 1986
Authur Long Science 1970 - 1985
** Lowel Longl Agri-Business  1980 - 1986
^ ** Harold Lossner    Aviation 1966 - 1986
Eleanor Mack English ~ Counselor 1956 - 1963
** Lina Madison German 1983 - 1986
Olga Madison  Foods 1952 - 1957
John Maher Social Studies 1965 - 1968
Ralph Maigaard Science ~
1970 - 1980
Byron Mann  Radio 1945 - 1971
Nadine Marcum  Business 1965 - 1966
Bernard Marks Art 1955 - 1958
Yuko Marumo  Japanese 1984 - 1985
William Mason Foreign Language ~ English 1976 - 1985
Glennie Ann Mastin English 1957 - 1962
** Marilyn Matzke   Secretary 1983 - 1986
William Mayo Mechanical Drawing 1945 - 1960
** Ray McAdams Driver Education 1967 - 1986
Bob McCarthy MCJROTC 1984 - 1985
William McCollaugh Distributive Education 1967 - 1969
Genevieve McCullouch English 1945 - 1946
Honora Grace McEniry English 1945 - 1946
Io McGilvra Registrar 1945 - 1974
Helen  McGovern Business 1950 - 1952
** Glendon McLean Auto Diesel 1978 - 1986
Mary Ann McManus Girls Advisor 1963 - 1979
Michael McPherson English as Second Language 1980 - 1983
Esther McWhirter Social Studies 1961 - 1962
Robert Meharry Carpentry 1964 - 1972
** Susan Mein Special Education ~ Hearing 1977 - 1986
Joan Middleton Business 1962 - 1965
John Middleton Teachers Associate 1972 - 1973
** Betty Miller Computer Programming 1965 - 1986
David Miller Social Studies 1979 - 1984
Elizabeth  Miller Math 1951 - 1952
Glenn Miller Math ~ Science 1947 - 1948
Elsa  Mingus Treasurer 1977- 1985
Harold  Mishmash Welding 1959 - 1983
LeRoy  Mitchell Art 1955 - 1958
Beverly Moe English 1960 - 1961
^ ** Ben Molloy Home Remodeling 1984 - 1986
Helen Moran English 1950 - 1953
Helen Morrison Reading 1981 - 1983
Bud Mounts Social Studies 1975 - 1979
Bob Mueller English 1961 - 1962
Marjorie Mully Nurse 1969 - 1979
** Karen Murphy Marine Biology  1985 - 1986
Kathleen Murphy English 1982 - 1985
Betty Murray Teacher Associate 1976 - 1979
A. B. Musselman Printing ~
T & I Coordinator
1945 - 1967
Patricia Neal English 1962 - 1981
Norma Needham Counselor 1979 - 1980
Tess Neofotist Lic. Practical Nurse 1974 - 1975
Margaret Nichols Foods 1959 - 1961
Wilton E. Nighswonger Electricity 1945 - 1949
Warren Nixon Veterans' Special Courses 1945 - 1951
Anne Lahey Noah English 1979 - 1983
William Noland English 1965 - 1966
Margaret Norman English 1963 - 1965
Bill O'Donnell Special Education Hearing 1979 - 1980
Debbie O'Donnell Special Ed Hearing 1976 - 1977
Jo Oberender Teacher Associate 1984
** Russell Odegaard Radio / TV 1976 - 1986
Joan Oderkirk Physical Education 1975 - 1981
Walter Ogden  Woodworking 1948 - 1953
Kenneth Oleson  Radio 1950 - 1957
Harold  Olsen English 1962 - 1967
Kay T. Olsen Machine Shop 1945 - 1946
Peter Olthoff Business 1945 - 1962
Jan Opel  Reading 1973 - 1974
Marilyn Orlando Special Education 1978 - 1979
Gloria Ortiz Special Education 1978 - 1980
Mary Oster English 1950 - 1951
Ruth Ostwinkle  Treasurer 1978 - 1979
Jan Oxley Steno ~ Clerk 1979 - 1981
Richard Parker Social Studies 1962 - 1968
James Patch Drafting ~
T & I Related
1968 - 1985
Laurel Patrick Lic. Practical Nurse 1983 - 1985
Thelma Payne Business 1948 - 1949
Patrick Payton Social Studies 1968 - 1969
** Marcia Peeler Tailoring ~ Fashion Design 1983 - 1986
Albert Peiring Aviation 1962 - 1967
Betty Penniman English 1980 - 1983
^ ** Richard Pennington Electricity 1980 - 1986
Max Perdue Physical Education 1961 - 1971
Joe Perea Social Studies 1970 - 1971
** Jeff Perkins Print Shop 1975 - 1986
Betty Perry Foods 1966 - 1970
Lowell Perry Social Studies 1962 - 1963
Richard Peters Social Studies 1965 - 1969
Ed  Peterson Science 1962 - 1965
Eldon Peterson Drivers Education 1978 - 1980
Harry Peterson Social Studies ~ Counselor 1953 - 1973
Steve Phillipsen Auto Mechanics 1974 - 1978
Michael Phipps English 1966 - 1967
Donley Pierson Cabinet Making 1952 - 1973
^ ** Ed Pilkington Welding 1975 - 1986
Dorothy Pitchers Business 1961 - 1964
Kenneth Poage Physical Education 1970 - 1972
Harold Polson English 1962 - 1967
James Pomeroy Law Enforcement 1980 - 1981
** Jill Pool Hearing Interpreter  1981 - 1986
Caroline Pottebaum Teacher Associate 1979 - 1981
Betty Powell Job Placement Center 1973 - 1975
** Terry Pratt Carpentry
T & I
1980 - 1981
1984 - 1986
Donna Prough Library Assistant 1964 - 1977
Hannah Wallace Pulley Business 1947 - 1955
Marie Rachut English 1947 - 1948
Walters S. Ramey Mechanical Drawing 1952 - 1966
Maxine Rasmussen Treasurer 1977 - 1978
** Linda Ray Hearing Interpreter 1980 - 1986
Jeanne Reames Lic. Practical Nurse 1974 - 1985
** Jane Reeves Librarian Associate 1977 - 1986
** Lyle Reeves Social Studies ~ Counselor 1969 - 1986
Edith Reiman Steno Clerk 1963 - 1964
** Roxanne Reimer English as Second Language 1983 - 1986
** Lew Rhodes Police Liaison Officer 1979 - 1986
^ ** Judith Monk Richardson   Vice-Principal ~ C. C. Coordinator 1979 - 1986
Bernice Robbins Special Education ~ Hearing 1980 - 1981
Marlene Roberts Attendance Clerk 1956 - 1959
Sara Roberts Attendance Clerk 1982 - 1983
Mildred Robinson Volunteer Coordinator 1980 - 1982
Sally Robinson Social Studies 1969 - 1971
Virginia Robinson Computer Programming 1966 - 1967
Gene Rogers Computer Programming 1964 - 1973
Blair Rosdail Math ~ Science 1960 - 1961
Eula Rouse Foods
1951 - 1952
1955 - 1959
Glenn Rouse Math ~ Science 1949 - 1952
Leonard Ruins T & I 1979 - 1980
** Beverly Russell Special Education  1983 - 1986
Stanley Russell Refrigeration 1952 - 1955
Sarah A. Ruth Librarian 1967 - 1982
Harold Rutz Sheet Metal 1955 - 1980
Lawrence Salsow Mechanical Drawing 1945 - 1946
** Kayleen Samuelson Business  1970 - 1986
Janet Schaefer Steno Clerk 1967 - 1969
** Scott Schoneberg Science 1984 - 1986
Vernice Schultz Cabinet Making 1950 - 1957
** Larry Schweizer Driver Education ~ Physical Education 1966 - 1986
Scott, Esther  Business 1960 - 1961
Jill Sheaffer English 1977 - 1983
Tom Sheldahl Social Studies 1967 - 1968
Emily Shepard Physical Education 1945 - 1965
John Sherbo T & I Coordinator 1949 - 1952
Dorris Sherrow Steno Clerk 1980 - 1983
Cindy Shonroek Speech Clinician 1980 - 1983
Janet Short Physical Education 1964 - 1973
Emory Shriver Business 1947 - 1964
** Sylvia Simansons Special Education  1983 - 1986
Donald Simmons Machine Shop ~ Math 1951 - 1954
Marie Sipple  Science 1965 - 1966
Lois Skinner Lic. Practical Nurse 1978 - 1983
Chandos Smith Math ~ Counselor 1954 - 1971
Christine Smith Social Studies ~ Librarian 1945 - 1973
^ ** Diana Smith   Business  1968 - 1986
Harold Smith New Horizons 1979 - 1984
Jack Smith Art 1950 - 1954
Jean Smith Art 1953 - 1955
Joe  Smith Electricity 1976 - 1978
Joyce Smith,   English 1982 - 1983
** Larry Smith KDPS Engineer  1974 - 1986
Marlene Smith English 1962 - 1963
Sydratis Smith Special Education 1976 - 1978
Lyle Smithson   Printing ~ T & I Coordinator 1949 - 1976
Leland Snell Physical Education 1949 - 1956
Ralph Snyder Machine Shop 1981 - 1985
Doris Snyers   Art 1959 - 1960
Don Squires  Math ~ Counselor 1953 - 1985
Gordon Stainbrook Math 1962 - 1981
John Stalter  Machine Shop 1970 - 1973
Jon Starek Social Studies ~ T & I ~ Drivers Education 1977 - 1985
Gene Stephany English 1979 - 1981
Shirley Stevens  Business 1963 - 1965
Glen Steward  Drivers Education 1981 - 1983
Lorrie Streyffler English ~ Counselor 1969 - 1977
Beatrice Strieby Business 1961 - 1974
William Sturdevant  Art 1967 - 1982
** Dwight Subbert Business 1967 - 1986
Harriet Swihart English 1975 - 1976
Vera Tarman Foods 1948 - 1965
** Sachiko Tamura  Japanese 1986
Kenneth Tannatt Social Studies 1955 - 1967
Jeanne Tarr Foods ~ Cloths Orientation 1945 - 1946
Evelyn  Taylor Business 1958 - 1959
** Margaret Taylor Business 1952 - 1986
Helen Tea, Steno Clerk 1947 - 1948
Carol Testa Math 1979 - 1983
Carolyn  Thiessen Math 1963 - 1964
** Alfred Thomas Commercial Art 1955 - 1986
Don Thomas Aviation 1968 - 1982
Chris Thompson JROTC 1974 - 1984
Donak Thompson Attendance Clerk 1955 - 1956
Mabel Tillery Language Arts ~
Radio - TV
1956 - ????
Joy Tish Hearing Interpreter 1980 1982
Linda Tisue Special Education 1983 - 1985
Jim Tredway English 1983 - 1984
Mabel Troutfetter Girls' Advisor ~ Counselor 1961 - 1969
Eino Tuomi Social Studies 1946 - 1974
James Tursi Social Studies 1963 - 1964
David Tuttle Aviation ~ Counselor 1954 - 1966
Robert Van Arkel Drafting 1958 - 1984
Marcia Van Draska English 1962 - 1966
** Eleanor Van Dyck Social Studies ~ Family Living ~ Child Care 1961 - 1986
Howard Vitteteaux Drivers Education 1967 - 1970
Gertrude Vogelaar   English 1945 - 1946
Steve Vogelzang Agri Business 1978 - 1979
Jerry Wadden English 1961 - 1967
Wayne Wagner English as Second Language 1980 - 1981
Majorie Wakefield Secretary 1973 - 1983
** Sophia Wallentine Russian 1983 - 1986
Alice Ward English 1981 - 1982
Marilyn Warling Nurse 1967 - 1968
Mary Warner Counselor's Clerk 1965 - 1974
Carl Watkins Refrigeration 1955 - 1979
Bob Watson Math 1958 - 1967
Sylvia Wease Teacher Associate 1970 - 1971
Wayne Webber Business ~
1965 - 1985
** Carolyn Weineke Special Education 1984 - 1986
Mayflower Wells Business 1955 - 1956
Helen West Foods 1955 - 1959
Brenda Westervall Band 1981 - 1983
Helen Wheeler Business 1945 - 1962
Beulah White Steno Clerk 1959 - 1960
Frances Whitney Foods 1948 - 1949
** Marcia Wiesel  Psychologist 1977 - 1986
Phil Wiggins Social Studies 1967 - 1972
Irvin Wildman Drivers Education 1963 - 1966
Russell Wiles Aviation 1945 - 1975
Joyce Wilkey English 1967 - 1968
Dick Williams  Math 1951 - 1963
Edna Williams,  Steno Clerk 1959 - 1960
Grace Williams  English 1949 - 1950
James Williams Social Studies 1967
Lillian Williams English 1948 - 1958
Warren Williams Social Studies 1970 - 1971
** Nancy Willis Business 1965 - 1986
Dick O. Wilson Band ~ Chorus 1950 - 1979
^ ** Doug Wilson   Aviation 1975 - 1986
Mel Wilson Social Studies 1971 - 1973
Olive Wilson   Secretary 1952 - 1969
Rose Wilson,  English 1981 - 1983
** Walter Wilson  Counselor 1978 - 1986
** Calvin Wiseman Auto Mechanics 1964 - 1986
** Betty Wolfe  Steno Clerk 1983 - 1986
Kathy Wolfe   Steno Clerk 1981 - 1983
John Wonderly  ROTC 1979 - 1981
Albert Wood Science 1965 - 1970
Carrie Woodford Girl's Advisor 1945 - 1946
Ralph Woods Police Liaison 1970 - 1974
^ ** Steve Woods  Machine Shop ~ Auto  1972 - 1986
Mildred Woolley Health Associate 1979 - 1984
** Robert Wren    Carpentry 1984 - 1986
Daniel Wright  Aviation 1949 - 1950
M. Wright Art 1952 - 1953
** Marilyn Yeager Special Education 1979 - 1986
Ernest Yohe  Auto Mechanics 1945 - 1964
Forest Zimpfer   Business 1963 - 1964

Start Date indicated is in the context of the school year, (1970 = Sept. '69 - June '70).
Names in Blue indicate that the person has received the Association's Lifetime Achievement Award.

^ D.M. Tech High Graduate
* Member of Staff during Tech's 1942 - 1943 School Year
** Member of Staff during Tech's 1985 - 1986 School

"For Tech We Will"
© 1990 - 2004 by The Blue And Gold Alumni Association